A Light in the Darkness

Twas early morn before the dark disappeared—you know the hour, when the dawn yawns.

Twas too dark to write and so turning on one light appeared to be the right thing to do.

Twas the moment I switched on the light—that the pitch of dark lit up.

Twas then I could no longer see the light in the distance on the other side of the lake because I’d switched on the light in the pitch of dark within the cabin in which I stood.

Twas in that moment the desire came to see more than the light which now surrounded, blinding me from seeing that which I most desired to see. So—I switched it off.

Twas then I noted not only did the light in the distance still shine in the darkness across the lake, but the lake reflected the light and the light upon the lake now reflected upon the snow which had fallen in the dark of night casting light upon the ground which surrounded the cabin in which I stood.

It takes pause you see— to see Light in the darkness. When one tunes out or turns off that which distracts or blinds— one can see more clearly that which His Light is shining upon. When we pause, we see His Light around that which is His— like a compass pointing in multiple directions all at once.

Takes time, you see, to awaken to things He is shedding Light upon in the darkness. And if we are truly astute, we will see more clearly that after the darkness—the Light comes.

Always the Light—it’s always the Light beckoning each one to come—to come after the Light as in following.

Why? Why come after the Light? Because He, the Light of the world, goes before us and thus, following the Light breaks open the dawn of that which is to come. We need merely come after—to follow.

John 8:12 agrees. “Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

“Again Jesus spoke” means He has spoken before. Before all things, He speaks. “He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together” Col. 1:17). May we always turn to the Light as “He is the Light and in Him there is no darkness” (1John 1:5). Amen.