The Murray County Board of Commissioners met in a short session on Tuesday, August 17, 2021. Chair Dennis Walgraven, Commissioners Jim Kluis and Lori Gunnink were present with Commissioner Molly Malone joining them via Zoom.

Marshall Isder came before the Board during Open Forum. A certified counselor in the areas of alcohol, drugs and gambling, he offered his services to the County. It was suggested that he contact Human Services, the hospital and veterans service and the Sheriff’s department to provide his contact information and availability to those in crisis.

In the matter of County Ditch #22, Auditor Treasurer Heidi Winter informed the Commissioners that the appeal period has ended and that the judge has said the improvement process can move ahead with plans and bidding for the work.

Human Resources Director Ronda Radke presented a new employee policy. #311 Telework and Procedures Policy will allow employees to work from a remote location with the authorization of a supervisor. This covers situations brought on by inclement weather, special projects and as recently experienced, the Covid shutdown.

Chief Deputy Heath Landsman received approval of his request for a new dispatch console for his department. The current unit is ten years old and is considered obsolete. From the one console the dispatcher has access to several video screens and contact with various emergency departments. The $33,148 cost of the unit will be funded through the E-911 fund, a restricted fund that can only be accessed for certain expenses. In discussions, Landsman informed the Board that in the case of severe damage to the building and equipment there are two “Comm Trucks” available. One of those is based in Marshall and the other in Martin County; either could be mobilized to provide emergency communications.

County Administrator Tom Burke and Emergency Management Director Carl Nyquist led a discussion on the current Covid situation. Cases have risen with a few break-through incidents in vaccinated persons. At this time they do not see a need for a mask mandate or the need for a shutdown. However, they are leaving their options open if the need arises.

As the Board prepares for budget discussions on August 31, they requested information from the Auditor Treasurer prior to that meeting. A preliminary budget needs to be announced in September.