One of these days outside gardening will commence for sure. One of the recent magazine articles recommends you make plans and compute how much you hope your garden and fruit orchard will produce.

In years past my Mother told many times their garden had to produce most of the food they would eat come summer and winter. The situation was that Grandpa worked as a carpenter and his work was mostly seasonal. Come fall they had whatever money they would get and whatever they had had to last until the next year. The exception was usually milk - which cost nickle a quart back then. When this writer grew up on the farm, milk was produced on the farm by the cows and whatever they produced had to take care of the family too. The extra milk was separated and cream sold which usually became grocery and spending money.

Then during the summer we canned garden produce as well as fruit we bought and canned. In earliest years we canned garden produce too. We might still have a few jars in the cellar - from the 1940s.

Anyhow our gardening work will start shortly. As usual we expect a good year gardening.

Also we might mention we also plant a few flowers too. They beautify the garden and yard as well as inside the house.

Here’s to your good gardening for the coming year.

Until next week.