By John Stenen A great lesson to learn in life is to be prepared for the worst whenever possible.

However, it saddens me that so many people who should be prepared for what is coming on earth, are not prepared.

They live as if life will always be as it is; as if the Bible is not true; as if God’s judgment is never going to fall on this nation. History reveals that God is patient and longsuffering; but judgment comes.

There is in our nation today, a war against God - A war against anything that is godly and decent. Paul said in 2 Timothy 3: 1-5, that in the last days, mankind would become so corrupt and evil and anti-God that they would have reprobate minds. I see it all around our nation today.

I wish they would take a look at Revelation chapter 6: where it shows the beginning of the coming seven year tribulation - tribulation like this world has never seen before. Revelation 6: is just the beginning; and the death and destruction from famine and war will wipe out billions of people.

Rather than repent and turn to God, many will simply wish for death, to escape the wrath of the Lamb of God.

My friend, the only escape from the horrors that shall come upon this earth is to surrender your life to Jesus Christ; He alone is our means of salvation. Invite Him into your heart today, and when that day comes, when He comes for those who belong to Him, you won’t be left behind.

God bless.