This is the week of the annual Murray County Fair. Thankfully it is back in operation - not held last year due to the Virus concerns.

Most features will be back. This writer heard the Midway will be considerably reduced as the ride company could not get employees enough. At least something will be there.

This reminds us of past years.

For many people and 4-Hers this was the time when they brought in and exhibited their best to compete for prizes and then a prize check after the fair.

Once things were in place at the fair, then the judging came, followed by the same exhibitors noticing who and what made the top grades.

Many fairs had other interesting events.

One year a young 4-Her had a heifer on exhibit. Partway through the fair it became a cow by giving birth to a calf.

The local Vet had to be called to assist in the birth. The Worthington paper featured that event including a picture of the young worried owner.

It also mentioned a crowd had assembled to watch the live birth.

No extra charge for the spectators.

Another year the REA had a booth along with their lineman truck.

Partway through the evening the electricity in the building became erratic.

The linemen got busy and handles the problem perfectly. Again no charge to the spectators. And the REA got some good publicity.

Another year the FFA barn (near the grandstand) was built, It featured births also.

In one pen was a mother duck with her brood of little ones. I think I remember there was also a deep pan of water there. The mother duck gave the kids lessons on drinking. They learned well.

The mother dusk failed in trying to show them how to swim. The pan was

deep enough for the kids but not mother duck.

Another pen had a mother dog with her offspring. A nearby sign warned visitors not to touch or go too near. This writer remember the mother dog was watching the visitors carefully for any danger to her brood.

Other baby animals were also on exhibit.

Our Fair has also seen more buildings built and occupied.

In years past the only winter use of the buildings was when the Highway Department warmed up the furnaces, drove in some of their trucks for repairs.

We shall see what is new and exciting this year.

And, this writer will try to be in the parade Saturday if my Legion hat can be located.

So much for this year’s Fair and parade.